Thursday, June 20, 2013

95.8 Miles to go.

We found a local high school track to run on last night – my feet are happy about that!  Ran 2 miles in 22 minutes and 15 seconds.  That means my time is a little faster – nearly an 11 minute mile. 
My original goal with running was to just RUN an entire 5K by my 40th birthday.  Well, things have been going well enough that I revised my goal to be to RUN the entire 5K in under 40 minutes by my 40th birthday.  And I think I’m in pretty good shape to do it.  The truth is, though, that it won’t be as easy as a track run.  The course is on very different terrain where they recommend trail shoes.  There will no doubt be hills.  It is likely red dirt and maybe gravel.  So this weekend, we hope to run at a local lake where it is much closer to the racing terrain.   We bought trail shoes last weekend, so we’ll be taking them for a spin and we’ll see how it goes.

This is a photo taken by Alvin. B, courtesy of Yelp, of the lake where we plan to run Sunday.  Pretty!!

100 Miles to go. Wait, make that 97.8

I am doing a poor job of keeping up with this blog.  Fortunately, the same can’t be said about my running program.  That’s right; I’m still running.  In fact, on Sunday, I ran 25 minutes non-stop!  I logged 2.2 miles in that time and honestly, I think it was a little easier to just keep running (mind you, it was NOT easy), rather than walk for a minute and then have start running again.
G and I also started working out with personal trainers last week.  My trainer is focusing on developing my endurance as well as strength training because, well, that’s my weakness.  She told me I would improve more if I attended a spinning class.  I was not happy to hear that.

Years ago, when the husband was just a boyfriend, he convinced me to go to a spinning class with him.  I. Hated. It.  I hated every second of it.  And I thought I was going to either pass out, vomit, or both!  And I never went back.  Until, that is, this past Saturday morning!  That’s right, on a day when I would have LOVED to sleep in, I did it; I dragged my sorry butt out of bed and went to a spinning class.  And, wonder of wonders, I liked it.  I mean, it was hard, but I kept up.  I totally kept up! 
So now, I am definitely more fit.  My cardiovascular endurance has improved, and I am down more than 14 pounds since May 20 (due in part to the exercise, but also due to the diet program we are on called Medif@st).  I have between two and seven pounds left to lose and then I will start on the maintenance phase of the diet (the diet is a severely restricted diet as far as calories go and it is a restricted diet when it comes to fat and carbs).  I can’t WAIT to eat a piece of fruit! 

Please note:  These are NOT my running shoes, but happen to be the shoes I keep at work for walks at breaks and lunch time.
So now to the title of this thing… 100 Miles to go… I figure I will log my miles (only running miles, not walking) and label my blog posts based on how many miles I have left to have run 100 miles.  Now I COULD go back and see how many miles I’ve done in all my training, but those days I always included walks in between the running segments, so those don’t count.  Since I ran the whole time on Sunday, that’s why I’m including that first 2.2 reducing the number of miles from 100 to 97.8.  We’ll see how long it takes me to reach 100!